Erectile Dysfunction
Revolutionary Erectile Dysfunction Treatment For Improved Performance
What is EDSWT?
Erectile Dysfunction Shock Wave Therapy (EDSWT) is an innovative approach to vasculogenic ED, delivered by Medispec’s ED1000, a device that uses advanced acoustics technology. This technology has proven to be effective in cardiology, with recent success in reversible ischemic tissues of the heart. EDSWT utilizes low-intensity extracorporeal shock waves, focusing on blood vessels and encouraging neovascularization in the penis shaft and crus. The low-intensity shock waves help relieve vascular deficiency, a common cause of erectile dysfunction.
EDSWT: New Effectivness For More Patients
Vasculogenic and diabetic ED patients will benefit from EDSWT – those who are responsive to PDE5 inhibitors as well as those who are unresponsive. For the latter, which includes a substantial number of severe ED patients, the only solution to date are vacuum pumps, injections and perhaps implants. EDSWT therapy brings hope to those patients, by allowing more than 70% of them to become responsive to PDE5 inhibitors. As “end-stage” ED patients, they will be able to enjoy normal sexual functionality. With over 50% of men aged 40-70 suffering from ED, and even more from transient ED, Medispec’s breakthrough therapeutic system can bring lasting improvement in erectile function and new sexual spontaneity to millions – painlessly, naturally and safety.
Read more about our ED1000 device in the below link: